Tariffs: More than Just Trade Imbalances

Words: 1,500 Time: 6 Minutes Tariffs now tied to solving migration, health and security issues Trump will look to leverage (highly lucrative) access to US consumers ECB’s Chief Lagarde recommends Europe “buying more U.S. made goods” Trump’s...

Here Come the Foolish Forecasts

Words: 1,115 Time: 5 Minutes Persistent issues with forecasting Projection vs Reality The need for more adaptive intertemporal thinking Once again, it’s that time of year. Investment houses are set to release their forecasts for the upcoming year. Why they...

Consumer Resilience to be Tested

Words: 1,869 Time: 8 Minutes Post-pandemic consumer resilience Political risks and tariffs Government spending cuts – what’s the impact? The post-pandemic resilience of the American consumer continues to show strength. Recent retail sales data indicates...