Mean Reversion: Index Risks & the ‘M7’

In the game of asset speculation – mean reversion suggests that over time an asset will eventually return to its average price if it drifts or spikes too far from that average level. If applied, it can often help you avoid paying too much. My thinking is the S&P 500 has now drifted too far from the longer-term mean. History has always told us that inevitably prices will mean revert. This post explores the potential risks to investors if simply choosing to passively invest via the benchmark Index. Look no further than the so-called “Mag 7” – which constitute more than a 30% weight.

Reverse Goldilocks Coming?

2024 has not started the way we ended 2023. From mine, late last year feels a lot like what we saw at the end of 2021 (and early 2022). At the time, investors chased momentum in fear of missing out (‘FOMO’) – pushing multiples into what I considered ‘higher risk’ territory (i.e., above 20x forward). It was a time to lower exposure. As we start the new year – stocks are taking a pause. And it’s not unexpected given the sharp run higher. However it begs the question… could it be something more than a pause? Of course we don’t know the answer (no-one does). Where there is uncertainty – all we have are probabilities.

The One Thing Driving the Market 

It’s risk on. That’s the market’s sentiment. Question is whether that risk is worth it? There are only a handful of stocks carrying the market higher – a sure sign of both fragility and bearishness. Are there are only “10” stocks that can grow? We have not seen a market this narrow since the bust. Now should names like Amazon, Google, Apple, Microsoft, Meta and Tesla pull back from nose-bleed valuations – the whole house comes down with it.

For a full list of posts from 2017…