When Bad News is Bad News

Last weekend I questioned whether markets could break out to the upside; or perform what trader’s refer to as a “back and fill”. My best guess was the latter. In turns out, things traded ‘per the script’, where the S&P 500 suffered its worst week since March 2023 – giving back 4.20%. The Nasdaq fared far worse – shedding ~6% – led by large losses in popular AI chip stocks. So why are market’s worried? It’s concerns about growth. With a market trading close to ~22x forward earnings – expecting YoY EPS growth of 11% — that’s not consistent with ‘slowdown’ scenario.

It Wouldn’t be September Without a Few Bumps

September has started in a very typical September fashion. Down! It’s traditionally the worst month of the year in terms of returns. But that’s not a bad thing… As longer-term investors – it’s great when things go on sale. That’s when we get to sharpen our pencils on higher quality businesses. And for those who missed out four weeks ago (where you needed to act fast) – it’s possible you will get another chance this month. As I wrote recently – the rapid 10% surge in equities over 4 weeks did not fill me with a lot of confidence…

For a full list of posts from 2017…